Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Exciting – but for the Forest and the Handles

UniLang is very much helpful for language learners especially those interacting with many cultures. The site has many features and has many projects yet laid out for development. It also has many multi-language speakers who list their level of language proficiency in each language, just below their usernames.

The very prominent problem, however, is the lack of proper design for the site. Just to log in takes time due all sorts of repetitive messages identifying one. It is not quite interactive and stops often for you to decipher what next step to take.

A newbie could easily get lost in the forests of its many features, since it is not merely a discussion forum. One does not go straight to the forum, as one is presented with so many doors. In other words, the handles are not very much user-friendly or not simplified, and the colors and design used particularly on the main page not attractive.

There is an announcement welcoming those who could help out, but it appears as though the site is heavily attracting only those who want to talk, talk, and talk.

From what obtains, it may take time for the site to adjust to better handles. However, if one is patient enough just to pay attention to learning and exchanging views, the site is quite useful. From the beauty and intriguing features of the languages of this world, one may learn a lot from them – including history, culture, people, and what man basically is.

There are folders for each language and members may choose where to go. As they discuss language and its usage in specific languages, however, the activity is not as simple as one would think. An example is American English and British English trying to assert itself over the other - until one theorizes, there’s no such thing as “correct English.” Stated in a better way, there’s no such “Standard English.”

Should you want to debate this assertion, go to UniLang. There are debates of this kind in any language and it’s exciting. Now, if you're the sensitive kind, take care. Those who boast of knowing many languages are usually not expected to be one's humble neighbor.


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